
Marathon Series with Tom Hamilton – Negative Split Running

Published: 10 Apr 2023

Marathon Series with Tom Hamilton – Negative Split Running

Are you tired of feeling exhausted halfway through your runs? Or maybe you’re looking to improve your running performance? Look no further than negative split running.

Negative split running is a running strategy where you run the second half of a race or a training session faster than the first half. It’s a simple yet effective way to avoid exhaustion, conserve energy, and run more efficiently.

But why does negative split running work? According to research, starting off slower and gradually increasing your speed can help you maintain a lower perceived exertion rate throughout the run. This means that even though you’re running faster in the second half, it feels easier because your body is already warmed up and ready to go.

One study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found that runners who negative split a 5K race had a faster finishing time than those who ran the first half faster than the second half. The negative splitters also reported feeling less fatigue during the race.

Negative split running can also help reduce your risk of injury. By gradually increasing your speed, you allow your body to warm up without putting excessive stress on your muscles and joints. This can help prevent common running injuries such as strains, sprains, and shin splints.

But how do you negative split a race or training session? It all comes down to proper pacing and training. Start off at a comfortable pace, one that feels easy and sustainable. As you progress through the run, gradually increase your speed. Aim to finish the race or training session at a pace that’s faster than your starting pace.

It’s important to note that negative split running isn’t easy. It requires discipline and patience. But the benefits are worth it. By conserving energy and avoiding exhaustion, you’ll be able to finish stronger and improve your overall performance.

In fact, many world records are set with negative splits. Take the 2014 Berlin Marathon, for example. The winner, Dennis Kimetto, negative split the race with a finishing time of 2:02:57, setting a new world record.

So if you’re looking to improve your running performance and reduce your risk of injury, give negative split running a try. Start off slow and steady, and finish strong. Your body (and finishing time) will thank you for it.