Healthy Food

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Ground Hog Day aka Feeding the Family. Again.

I hit the wall this week. Not the “running out of glycogen during a marathon” type of hitting the wall, the “cooking and preparing food for other people” hitting the wall. Oh you didn’t know such a wall existed? Really? Because I ran this concept past some friends who are also mothers of small children […]

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Feeding Fussy Eaters – For Parents With Better Things To Worry About

Susan Williams, dietician, hosted a series on Feeding Fussy Eaters – every busy parents worst nightmare!  Here is a summary of just some of the gems that she shared. Healthy meals for everyone Mel: Just wondering how you go about setting out healthy meal plans ensuring that everyone eats the same meal……i.e not cooking separately […]

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Soy Braised Chicken

This recipe comes with thanks to Marion’s Kitchen via the delightful Susan Williams, who tells us again and again that food is all about enjoyment.  Thanks Susan, and you might also like to check out our Spring Newsletter for another of Susan’s cooking suggestions. This dish is light enough but deliciously warming for this time of […]

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Food Shame

I’ve confessed before that I have a terrible habit of eavesdropping on people’s conversations – not all conversations; that would be rude, just the diet related ones. Believe me there are enough of those to keep my flapping ears busy!! I was in a foodcourt last week and a father and son were sitting near […]

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The Secret to Eating Well ….

Don’t we love a secret? Or even better a conspiracy!! I think this is why we’ve become so enamoured with “superfoods” or “evil” ingredients that we must quit. So at the risk of bringing down the wrath of the Internet conspiracy theorists I am prepared to expose the secret to eating well. Are you sitting […]

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The Non-Diet Diet

Research shows that dieting is almost guaranteed to result in weight regain over an above what was originally lost. Dieting is also highly likely to result in disordered eating if not a full-blown eating disorder. So why is it so widespread that it is considered normal and healthy in western society? Dieting is the answer […]

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Your Body is Wise

So, my children all had birthday parties last weekend. Three children, three parties, argh! My oldest child is my biggest lolly monster and at her friends party on Saturday evening she ate her body weight in green jelly beans. There was trampolining, table tennis and table soccer. She had a ball.

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“Don’t you know how much sugar is in that?”

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Poor sugar, it’s replaced fat as the meanest, baddest nutri-villain. Before we get too terrified, how did that low-fat, fat-free, thing work out for us all? It’s how we ended up in this sugar mess with a tonne of fat-free and low-fat food bursting forth from our supermarket shelves. 

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Sports Drinks – Do our young athletes really need them?

The question was asked recently do young basketballers need sports drinks? We asked Accredited Practising Dietitian and Health Coach Susan Williams. The short answer is: