Paediatric Physiotherapy

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Severs Disease – A Sore Heel That’s A Pain For Your Child

Heel pain is a common complaint among adolescent children.  We all want our kids to be active and healthy – but what do you do when keeping them active seems to be causing heel pain? Today we will be exploring a common cause of heel pain in the growing adolescent and child. What is it? […]

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Osgood Schlatters Disease – Knee Pain in Kids

There are many growth plate areas that can be irritated in adolescent children.  We’ve written about Sever’s Disease before, another common area is the knee. This condition is known as Osgood Schlatters Disease or syndrome. Osgood Schlatters is a common cause of knee pain in adolescent children who are physically active. Boys are more likely to […]

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Managing the active growing adolescent

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Our tweens and teens are growing rapidly and full of energy. Exercise and sport are brilliant diversions, but heel and knee pain are common complaints in this age group – especially when they are active. For parents, hearing your child complain of pain and limping about can be quite stressful especially when the problem seems […]

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Plagiocephaly In Infants

There are few joys in life comparable to bringing home a new baby. However, this time of excitement is often accompanied by a sense of uncertainty, especially if this is your first time on the baby rollercoaster and you’re still unsure of what to expect. Of course, there will be plenty of people along the […]

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Back-pack pain, a thing of the past?

The kids have been back a school for a few weeks now, and despite our best efforts those bags just seem to get heavier and heavier.  We all want the best for our kids, so what is the best when it comes to school bags? Currently a large focus is being placed on finding the […]

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Physiotherapy and Developmental Delay

There is a tonne of anxiety that parents automatically inherit when blessed with a newborn baby. Are they eating enough? Is their development on time? And for goodness sake why won’t they sleep! During the first few months of life there are an overwhelming number of changes that occur in your life and your babies. It […]