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Getting back into Exercise – Resistence Training

Have you ever wanted to take up a strength program but find it intimidating don’t know where to start? Do you have a gym membership that is going to waste because you don’t know what to do? It can be intimidating with all of the information and complex workouts available, but starting with a basic […]

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Getting back into exercise

Want to get fit but not quite sure where to start? Research shows that HIIT (or High Intensity Interval Training) is the best way to get fit in the shortest amount of time– no more hours spent on the treadmill or stationary bike (woohoo)! The principle of HIIT involves using a combination of high intensity work intervals […]

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Arthritis Part 2 – Is Exercise Good?

You may have read Part 1 of our arthritis series.  It provides some clear information about the range of conditions that are described as arthritis.  If not, check it out here.  The leads to the question – what can be done about arthritis, and is exercise any help? Is exercise good for arthritis? Research has […]

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Train like Manny – A Boxing Workout for Everyone to Try

With the arguably the biggest fight in boxing history taking place this Sunday Jude Holroyd, the Principal Physiotherapist at The Healthy Body Company in Jordan Springs, has put together a boxing specific workout for those who are looking for a program that will burn around 500-700 Calories. Boxing is a gruelling sport. It is both physically […]